Python Codewars 训练笔记 2

在 Codewars 练习中发现了许多别人做出的优秀解法, 记录下来, 这篇里都是比较长的练习题

Befunge Interpreter

写一个 Befunge-93 语言 的解释器, Befunge-93 的代码是一些单个字符, 分布在二维平面上, 游标开始时处在左上角, 默认将向右移动, 游标移动到终点时将循环至开头, 支持的操作符有:

  • 0-9 Push this number onto the stack.
  • + Addition: Pop a and b, then push a+b.
  • - Subtraction: Pop a and b, then push b-a.
  • * Multiplication: Pop a and b, then push a*b.
  • / Integer division: Pop a and b, then push b/a, rounded down. If a is zero, push zero.
  • % Modulo: Pop a and b, then push the b%a. If a is zero, push zero.
  • ! Logical NOT: Pop a value. If the value is zero, push 1; otherwise, push zero.
  • ` Greater than: Pop a and b, then push 1 if b>a, otherwise push zero.
  • > Start moving right.
  • < Start moving left.
  • ^ Start moving up.
  • v Start moving down.
  • ? Start moving in a random cardinal direction.
  • _ Pop a value; move right if value = 0, left otherwise.
  • | Pop a value; move down if value = 0, up otherwise.
  • " Start string mode: push each character’s ASCII value all the way up to the next ".
  • : Duplicate value on top of the stack. If there is nothing on top of the stack, push a 0.
  • \ Swap two values on top of the stack. If there is only one value, pretend there is an extra 0 on bottom of the stack.
  • $ Pop value from the stack and discard it.
  • . Pop value and output as an integer.
  • , Pop value and output the ASCII character represented by the integer code that is stored in the value.
  • # Trampoline: Skip next cell.
  • p A “put” call (a way to store a value for later use). Pop y, x and v, then change the character at the position (x,y) in the program to the character with ASCII value v.
  • g A “get” call (a way to retrieve data in storage). Pop y and x, then push ASCII value of the character at that position in the program.
  • @ End program.
  • (i.e. a space) No-op. Does nothing.


v456<  :
>321 ^ _@

将打印出 123456789.

需要编写 interpret 函数, 如:

interpret('>987v>.v\nv456<  :\n>321 ^ _@') == '123456789'


from random import randint

def interpret(code, debug=False):
  if debug: print(code)

  code = [list(line) for line in code.split('\n')]
  code_rows = len(code)
  code_cols = max(len(line) for line in code)
  output = ""
  stack = []
  cursor = (0, -1)
  current_direction = '>'
  numbers = list(str(i) for i in range(0, 10))
  directions = '^ v < > ?'.split()
  directions_mapping = { '^': (-1, 0), 'v': (1, 0), '<': (0, -1), '>': (0, 1)}
  math_operators = '+ - * / % `'.split()
  logic_operators = ['!']
  stack_operators = '$ . ,'.split()
  conditions = '_ |'.split()
  string_mode = False
  skip_mode = False

  while True:
    if current_direction == '?':
      current_direction = '^v<>'[randint(0,3)]
    cursor_row = cursor[0] + directions_mapping[current_direction][0]
    cursor_col = cursor[1] + directions_mapping[current_direction][1]
    cursor = (cursor_row % code_rows, cursor_col % code_cols)
    command = code[cursor[0]][cursor[1]]

    if string_mode:
      if command == '"': string_mode = False
      else: stack.append(ord(command))

    elif skip_mode:
      skip_mode = False

    elif command in numbers:

    elif command in math_operators:
      a, b = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
      if command == '+': stack.append(a+b)
      if command == '-': stack.append(b-a)
      if command == '*': stack.append(a*b)
      if command == '/': stack.append(b//a if a!=0 else 0)
      if command == '%': stack.append(b%a if a!=0 else 0)
      if command == '`': stack.append(int(b>a))

    elif command in logic_operators:
      a = stack.pop()
      if command == '!': stack.append(int(a==0))

    elif command in directions:
      current_direction = command

    elif command in conditions:
      a = stack.pop()
      if command == '_': current_direction = '>' if a==0 else '<'
      if command == '|': current_direction = 'v' if a==0 else '^'

    elif command in stack_operators:
      a = stack.pop()
      if command == '$': pass
      if command == '.': output += str(a)
      if command == ',': output += chr(a)

    elif command == ':':
      if stack: stack.append(stack[-1])
      else: stack.append(0)

    elif command == '\\':
      if len(stack) >= 2: stack.insert(-1, stack.pop())
      else: stack = [0]

    elif command == ' ': pass
    elif command == '#': skip_mode = True
    elif command == '"': string_mode = True

    elif command == 'p':
      y, x, v = stack.pop(), stack.pop(), stack.pop()
      code[y][x] = chr(v)
    elif command == 'g':
      y, x = stack.pop(), stack.pop()

    elif command == '@': return output

    if debug: print("{0} '{1}' stack: {3} output: {2}".format(cursor, command, output, stack))

from nose import tools as test
test.assert_equals(interpret('>987v>.v\nv456<  :\n>321 ^ _@'), '123456789')

hello_world_code = '''>25*"!dlroW olleH":v
                >  ^'''
test.assert_equals(interpret(hello_world_code), 'Hello World!\n')

print_self_code = '01->1# +# :# 0# g# ,# :# 5# 8# *# 4# +# -# _@'
test.assert_equals(interpret(print_self_code), print_self_code)

random_code = '''v@.<
test.assert_equals(interpret(random_code, debug=True), '1')


from random import choice

def interpret(code):
    code = [list(l) for l in code.split('\n')]
    x, y = 0, 0
    dx, dy = 1, 0
    output = ''
    stack = []
    string_mode = False

    while True:
        move = 1
        i = code[y][x]

        if string_mode:
            if i == '"':
                string_mode = False

            if i.isdigit(): stack.append(int(i))
            elif i == '+': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] + stack[-1]]
            elif i == '-': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] - stack[-1]]
            elif i == '*': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] * stack[-1]]
            elif i == '/': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] and stack[-2] / stack[-1]]
            elif i == '%': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] and stack[-2] % stack[-1]]
            elif i == '!': stack[-1] = not stack[-1]
            elif i == '`': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] > stack[-1]]
            elif i in '><^v?':
                if i == '?':   i = choice('><^v')
                if i == '>':   dx, dy =  1,  0
                elif i == '<': dx, dy = -1,  0
                elif i == '^': dx, dy =  0, -1
                elif i == 'v': dx, dy =  0,  1
            elif i == '_': dx, dy = (-1 if stack.pop() else 1), 0
            elif i == '|': dx, dy = 0, (-1 if stack.pop() else 1)
            elif i == '"': string_mode = True
            elif i == ':': stack.append(stack[-1] if stack else 0)
            elif i == '\\': stack[-2:] = stack[-2:][::-1]
            elif i == '$': stack.pop()
            elif i == '.': output += str(stack.pop())
            elif i == ',': output += chr(stack.pop())
            elif i == '#': move += 1
            elif i == 'p':
                ty, tx, tv = stack.pop(), stack.pop(), stack.pop()
                code[ty][tx] = chr(tv)
            elif i == 'g':
                ty, tx = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
            elif i == '@':
                return output

        for _ in range(move):
            x = (x + dx) % len(code[y])
            y = (y + dy) % len(code)


  • 描述位移时, 自己写的是 cursor, 语义虽然明确, 但是使用时还得 cursor[0], cursor[1], 不如人家直接用 dx dy 省心
  • 描述方向转换时, 自己使用了 directions_mapping 做映射, 其实这个逻辑不太可能改变, 不如硬编码 (在 elif i in '><^v?': 那里), 而 mapping 应该用在有可能变更需求时
  • Python 没 switch case, 在处理多条件分支时不容易看清楚结构, 当逻辑非常简单时, 考虑冒号不换行
  • 从表中随机选一项, random.choice(arr)
  • 当果逻辑比较简单时, 通篇写很多 stack[-2], stack[-1] 也可以很快读懂, 不必起名一个新的变量, 相同的道理, len(code[y]) len(code) 也不必起名新的变量


Person Meetings
A 09:00 - 11:30, 13:30 - 16:00, 16:00 - 17:30, 17:45 - 19:00
B 09:15 - 12:00, 14:00 - 16:30, 17:00 - 17:30
C 11:30 - 12:15, 15:00 - 16:30, 17:45 - 19:00


  • 输入输出时间都以24小时制的 "hh:mm" 表示
  • 会议时间是左闭右开区间, 如 09:00 - 11:00 表示 11:00 是空闲的
  • 找到的空闲时间必须位于 09:00 (含) - 19:00 (不含) 之间
  • 没有解就输出 None


def delta(start, end):
  return 60*(int(end[:2]) - int(start[:2])) + (int(end[3:]) - int(start[3:]))

def free_times(schedule, day_start, day_end, duration):
  start = day_start
  for s, e in schedule:
    if delta(start, s) >= duration:
      yield [start, s]
    start = e
  if delta(start, day_end) >= duration:
    yield [start, day_end]

def merge(free_times1, free_times2, duration):
  range1, range2 = next(free_times1), next(free_times2)
  while True:
    common_start = max(range1[0], range2[0])
    common_end = min(range1[1], range2[1])
    if delta(common_start, common_end) >= duration:
      yield [common_start, common_end]
    if range1[1] < range2[1]:
      range1 = next(free_times1)
    elif range1[1] > range2[1]:
      range2 = next(free_times2)
      range1, range2 = next(free_times1), next(free_times2)

from functools import reduce

def get_start_time(schedules, duration):
  free_times_all = [free_times(s, '09:00', '19:00', duration) for s in schedules]

  for common_range in reduce(lambda x, y: merge(x, y, duration), free_times_all):
    return common_range[0]
    return None

# test
from nose import tools as test
schedules = [
  [['09:00', '11:30'], ['13:30', '16:00'], ['16:00', '17:30'], ['17:45', '19:00']],
  [['09:15', '12:00'], ['14:00', '16:30'], ['17:00', '17:30']],
  [['11:30', '12:15'], ['15:00', '16:30'], ['17:45', '19:00']]
test.assert_equals(delta('09:00', '11:30'), 150)
test.assert_equals(delta('09:15', '12:00'), 165)
test.assert_equals(delta('09:00', '09:00'), 0)

print(list(free_times(schedules[0], '09:00', '19:00', 60)))
print(list(free_times(schedules[1], '09:00', '19:00', 60)))
print(list(free_times(schedules[2], '09:00', '19:00', 60)))

test.assert_equals(get_start_time(schedules, 60), '12:15')
test.assert_equals(get_start_time(schedules, 90), None)

schedules = [
  [['09:00', '19:00']],
test.assert_equals(get_start_time(schedules, 1), None)


def translate_time(time): 
    return int(time.split(":")[0])*60+int(time.split(":")[1])
def translate_range(range_time): 
    return (translate_time(range_time[0]), translate_time(range_time[1]))
def get_start_time(schedules, duration, start=540, end=1140):
    for work in sorted([translate_range(item) for worker in schedules for item in worker]):
        if start + duration > work[0]: start = max(start, work[1])
        elif start + duration >= end: return None
        else: return "%02i:%02i" % (start/60, start%60)
    if start + duration <= end: return "%02i:%02i" % (start/60, start%60)
    return None


  • 人家这个简单实用, 但要把所有的日程放一起 sorted()
  • 放弃一些细节, 把时间抽象为数字, 把多个日程合并为一个人

求最长的公共子序列 LCS (longest common subsequence)

接受两个序列作为参数, 返回最长的公共子序列

序列可以是不连续的, 跟子字符串不一样, 如 Subsequences of "abc" 包括 “a”, “b”, “c”, “ab”, “ac”, “bc”

LCS 举例

lcs( "abcdef" , "abc" ) => returns "abc"
lcs( "abcdef" , "acf" ) => returns "acf"
lcs( "132535365" , "123456789" ) => returns "12356"


def lcs(x, y):
  if len(x) == 1:
    return x if x in y else ''
  elif len(y) == 1:
    return y if y in x else ''

  if x[-1] == y[-1]:
    return lcs(x[:-1], y[:-1]) + x[-1]
    p1 = lcs(x[:-1], y)
    p2 = lcs(x, y[:-1])
    return p1 if len(p1) > len(p2) else p2

from nose import tools as test
test.assert_equals(lcs("a", "b"), "")
test.assert_equals(lcs("abcdef", "abc"), "abc")
test.assert_equals(lcs("abcdefghijhklxyzuu", "xyzuuabcdefghijhkl"), "abcdefghijhkl")


单词较长时, 这个办法更快

import itertools
def lcs(x, y):
  for length in reversed(range(len(x)+1)):
    for xItem in itertools.combinations(x, length):
      for yItem in itertools.combinations(y,length):
        if xItem == yItem:
          return "".join(xItem)


递归计算会超时的, 人家的方案也不是特别快, 还是得靠动态规划, 参考 算法导论-最长公共子序列LCS(动态规划)






   b  a  b
c  0  0  0
a  0  1  0
b  1  0  2
a  0  2  0





LCS(S1, S2) 等于以下四个情况的最大值

  1. LCS(S1, S2’)
  2. LCS(S1’, S2)
  3. 如果C1不等于C2:LCS(S1’, S2’)
  4. 如果C1等于C2:LCS(S1’, S2’)+C1

这个题不是求 lcs 长度, 而是把这个子序列打印出来, 故需要在状态转移 matrix 里记录构造路径, 当找到目标子序列后还原出来

更简单的办法, 直接在 matrix 里记录全路径

def lcs(x, y):
  lenx = len(x)
  leny = len(y)
  if lenx * leny == 0:
    return ""
  data = [[None for _ in range(leny+1)] for _ in range(lenx+1)]

  for i in range(lenx+1):
    for j in range(leny+1):
      if i == 0 or j == 0:
        data[i][j] = 0, ''
      left, seq_left = data[i][j-1]
      top, seq_top = data[i-1][j]
      top_left, seq_top_left = data[i-1][j-1]
      if x[i-1] == y[j-1]:
        current = max(left, top, top_left+1)
        data[i][j] = current, seq_top_left + x[i-1]
        data[i][j] = max((left, seq_left), (top, seq_top), (top_left, seq_top_left))
  max_lcs = max(max(line) for line in data)
  return max_lcs[1]

from nose import tools as test
test.assert_equals(lcs("a", "b"), "")
test.assert_equals(lcs("abcdef", "abc"), "abc")
test.assert_equals(lcs("abcdefghijhklxyzuu", "xyzuuabcdefghijhkl"), "abcdefghijhkl")


Answerers: April and Probe