Python Codewars 训练笔记 2
在 Codewars 练习中发现了许多别人做出的优秀解法, 记录下来, 这篇里都是比较长的练习题
Befunge Interpreter
写一个 Befunge-93 语言 的解释器, Befunge-93 的代码是一些单个字符, 分布在二维平面上, 游标开始时处在左上角, 默认将向右移动, 游标移动到终点时将循环至开头, 支持的操作符有:
Push this number onto the stack.+
Addition: Popa
, then pusha+b
Subtraction: Popa
, then pushb-a
Multiplication: Popa
, then pusha*b
Integer division: Popa
, then pushb/a
, rounded down. Ifa
is zero, push zero.%
Modulo: Popa
, then push theb%a
. Ifa
is zero, push zero.!
Logical NOT: Pop a value. If the value is zero, push1
; otherwise, push zero.`
Greater than: Popa
, then push1
, otherwise push zero.>
Start moving right.<
Start moving left.^
Start moving up.v
Start moving down.?
Start moving in a random cardinal direction._
Pop a value; move right ifvalue = 0
, left otherwise.|
Pop a value; move down ifvalue = 0
, up otherwise."
Start string mode: push each character’s ASCII value all the way up to the next"
Duplicate value on top of the stack. If there is nothing on top of the stack, push a0
Swap two values on top of the stack. If there is only one value, pretend there is an extra0
on bottom of the stack.$
Pop value from the stack and discard it..
Pop value and output as an integer.,
Pop value and output the ASCII character represented by the integer code that is stored in the value.#
Trampoline: Skip next cell.p
A “put” call (a way to store a value for later use). Popy
, then change the character at the position(x,y)
in the program to the character with ASCII valuev
A “get” call (a way to retrieve data in storage). Popy
, then push ASCII value of the character at that position in the program.@
End program.
v456< :
>321 ^ _@
将打印出 123456789
需要编写 interpret 函数, 如:
interpret('>987v>.v\nv456< :\n>321 ^ _@') == '123456789'
from random import randint
def interpret(code, debug=False):
if debug: print(code)
code = [list(line) for line in code.split('\n')]
code_rows = len(code)
code_cols = max(len(line) for line in code)
output = ""
stack = []
cursor = (0, -1)
current_direction = '>'
numbers = list(str(i) for i in range(0, 10))
directions = '^ v < > ?'.split()
directions_mapping = { '^': (-1, 0), 'v': (1, 0), '<': (0, -1), '>': (0, 1)}
math_operators = '+ - * / % `'.split()
logic_operators = ['!']
stack_operators = '$ . ,'.split()
conditions = '_ |'.split()
string_mode = False
skip_mode = False
while True:
if current_direction == '?':
current_direction = '^v<>'[randint(0,3)]
cursor_row = cursor[0] + directions_mapping[current_direction][0]
cursor_col = cursor[1] + directions_mapping[current_direction][1]
cursor = (cursor_row % code_rows, cursor_col % code_cols)
command = code[cursor[0]][cursor[1]]
if string_mode:
if command == '"': string_mode = False
else: stack.append(ord(command))
elif skip_mode:
skip_mode = False
elif command in numbers:
elif command in math_operators:
a, b = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
if command == '+': stack.append(a+b)
if command == '-': stack.append(b-a)
if command == '*': stack.append(a*b)
if command == '/': stack.append(b//a if a!=0 else 0)
if command == '%': stack.append(b%a if a!=0 else 0)
if command == '`': stack.append(int(b>a))
elif command in logic_operators:
a = stack.pop()
if command == '!': stack.append(int(a==0))
elif command in directions:
current_direction = command
elif command in conditions:
a = stack.pop()
if command == '_': current_direction = '>' if a==0 else '<'
if command == '|': current_direction = 'v' if a==0 else '^'
elif command in stack_operators:
a = stack.pop()
if command == '$': pass
if command == '.': output += str(a)
if command == ',': output += chr(a)
elif command == ':':
if stack: stack.append(stack[-1])
else: stack.append(0)
elif command == '\\':
if len(stack) >= 2: stack.insert(-1, stack.pop())
else: stack = [0]
elif command == ' ': pass
elif command == '#': skip_mode = True
elif command == '"': string_mode = True
elif command == 'p':
y, x, v = stack.pop(), stack.pop(), stack.pop()
code[y][x] = chr(v)
elif command == 'g':
y, x = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
elif command == '@': return output
if debug: print("{0} '{1}' stack: {3} output: {2}".format(cursor, command, output, stack))
from nose import tools as test
test.assert_equals(interpret('>987v>.v\nv456< :\n>321 ^ _@'), '123456789')
hello_world_code = '''>25*"!dlroW olleH":v
> ^'''
test.assert_equals(interpret(hello_world_code), 'Hello World!\n')
print_self_code = '01->1# +# :# 0# g# ,# :# 5# 8# *# 4# +# -# _@'
test.assert_equals(interpret(print_self_code), print_self_code)
random_code = '''v@.<
test.assert_equals(interpret(random_code, debug=True), '1')
from random import choice
def interpret(code):
code = [list(l) for l in code.split('\n')]
x, y = 0, 0
dx, dy = 1, 0
output = ''
stack = []
string_mode = False
while True:
move = 1
i = code[y][x]
if string_mode:
if i == '"':
string_mode = False
if i.isdigit(): stack.append(int(i))
elif i == '+': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] + stack[-1]]
elif i == '-': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] - stack[-1]]
elif i == '*': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] * stack[-1]]
elif i == '/': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] and stack[-2] / stack[-1]]
elif i == '%': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] and stack[-2] % stack[-1]]
elif i == '!': stack[-1] = not stack[-1]
elif i == '`': stack[-2:] = [stack[-2] > stack[-1]]
elif i in '><^v?':
if i == '?': i = choice('><^v')
if i == '>': dx, dy = 1, 0
elif i == '<': dx, dy = -1, 0
elif i == '^': dx, dy = 0, -1
elif i == 'v': dx, dy = 0, 1
elif i == '_': dx, dy = (-1 if stack.pop() else 1), 0
elif i == '|': dx, dy = 0, (-1 if stack.pop() else 1)
elif i == '"': string_mode = True
elif i == ':': stack.append(stack[-1] if stack else 0)
elif i == '\\': stack[-2:] = stack[-2:][::-1]
elif i == '$': stack.pop()
elif i == '.': output += str(stack.pop())
elif i == ',': output += chr(stack.pop())
elif i == '#': move += 1
elif i == 'p':
ty, tx, tv = stack.pop(), stack.pop(), stack.pop()
code[ty][tx] = chr(tv)
elif i == 'g':
ty, tx = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
elif i == '@':
return output
for _ in range(move):
x = (x + dx) % len(code[y])
y = (y + dy) % len(code)
- 描述位移时, 自己写的是 cursor, 语义虽然明确, 但是使用时还得 cursor[0], cursor[1], 不如人家直接用 dx dy 省心
- 描述方向转换时, 自己使用了 directions_mapping 做映射, 其实这个逻辑不太可能改变, 不如硬编码 (在
elif i in '><^v?':
那里), 而 mapping 应该用在有可能变更需求时 - Python 没 switch case, 在处理多条件分支时不容易看清楚结构, 当逻辑非常简单时, 考虑冒号不换行
- 从表中随机选一项,
- 当果逻辑比较简单时, 通篇写很多
也可以很快读懂, 不必起名一个新的变量, 相同的道理,len(code[y])
Person | Meetings |
A | 09:00 - 11:30, 13:30 - 16:00, 16:00 - 17:30, 17:45 - 19:00 |
B | 09:15 - 12:00, 14:00 - 16:30, 17:00 - 17:30 |
C | 11:30 - 12:15, 15:00 - 16:30, 17:45 - 19:00 |
- 输入输出时间都以24小时制的
表示 - 会议时间是左闭右开区间, 如
09:00 - 11:00
是空闲的 - 找到的空闲时间必须位于
(含) -19:00
(不含) 之间 - 没有解就输出 None
def delta(start, end):
return 60*(int(end[:2]) - int(start[:2])) + (int(end[3:]) - int(start[3:]))
def free_times(schedule, day_start, day_end, duration):
start = day_start
for s, e in schedule:
if delta(start, s) >= duration:
yield [start, s]
start = e
if delta(start, day_end) >= duration:
yield [start, day_end]
def merge(free_times1, free_times2, duration):
range1, range2 = next(free_times1), next(free_times2)
while True:
common_start = max(range1[0], range2[0])
common_end = min(range1[1], range2[1])
if delta(common_start, common_end) >= duration:
yield [common_start, common_end]
if range1[1] < range2[1]:
range1 = next(free_times1)
elif range1[1] > range2[1]:
range2 = next(free_times2)
range1, range2 = next(free_times1), next(free_times2)
from functools import reduce
def get_start_time(schedules, duration):
free_times_all = [free_times(s, '09:00', '19:00', duration) for s in schedules]
for common_range in reduce(lambda x, y: merge(x, y, duration), free_times_all):
return common_range[0]
return None
# test
from nose import tools as test
schedules = [
[['09:00', '11:30'], ['13:30', '16:00'], ['16:00', '17:30'], ['17:45', '19:00']],
[['09:15', '12:00'], ['14:00', '16:30'], ['17:00', '17:30']],
[['11:30', '12:15'], ['15:00', '16:30'], ['17:45', '19:00']]
test.assert_equals(delta('09:00', '11:30'), 150)
test.assert_equals(delta('09:15', '12:00'), 165)
test.assert_equals(delta('09:00', '09:00'), 0)
print(list(free_times(schedules[0], '09:00', '19:00', 60)))
print(list(free_times(schedules[1], '09:00', '19:00', 60)))
print(list(free_times(schedules[2], '09:00', '19:00', 60)))
test.assert_equals(get_start_time(schedules, 60), '12:15')
test.assert_equals(get_start_time(schedules, 90), None)
schedules = [
[['09:00', '19:00']],
test.assert_equals(get_start_time(schedules, 1), None)
def translate_time(time):
return int(time.split(":")[0])*60+int(time.split(":")[1])
def translate_range(range_time):
return (translate_time(range_time[0]), translate_time(range_time[1]))
def get_start_time(schedules, duration, start=540, end=1140):
for work in sorted([translate_range(item) for worker in schedules for item in worker]):
if start + duration > work[0]: start = max(start, work[1])
elif start + duration >= end: return None
else: return "%02i:%02i" % (start/60, start%60)
if start + duration <= end: return "%02i:%02i" % (start/60, start%60)
return None
- 人家这个简单实用, 但要把所有的日程放一起 sorted()
- 放弃一些细节, 把时间抽象为数字, 把多个日程合并为一个人
求最长的公共子序列 LCS (longest common subsequence)
接受两个序列作为参数, 返回最长的公共子序列
序列可以是不连续的, 跟子字符串不一样, 如 Subsequences of "abc"
包括 “a”, “b”, “c”, “ab”, “ac”, “bc”
LCS 举例
lcs( "abcdef" , "abc" ) => returns "abc"
lcs( "abcdef" , "acf" ) => returns "acf"
lcs( "132535365" , "123456789" ) => returns "12356"
def lcs(x, y):
if len(x) == 1:
return x if x in y else ''
elif len(y) == 1:
return y if y in x else ''
if x[-1] == y[-1]:
return lcs(x[:-1], y[:-1]) + x[-1]
p1 = lcs(x[:-1], y)
p2 = lcs(x, y[:-1])
return p1 if len(p1) > len(p2) else p2
from nose import tools as test
test.assert_equals(lcs("a", "b"), "")
test.assert_equals(lcs("abcdef", "abc"), "abc")
test.assert_equals(lcs("abcdefghijhklxyzuu", "xyzuuabcdefghijhkl"), "abcdefghijhkl")
单词较长时, 这个办法更快
import itertools
def lcs(x, y):
for length in reversed(range(len(x)+1)):
for xItem in itertools.combinations(x, length):
for yItem in itertools.combinations(y,length):
if xItem == yItem:
return "".join(xItem)
递归计算会超时的, 人家的方案也不是特别快, 还是得靠动态规划, 参考 算法导论-最长公共子序列LCS(动态规划)
b a b c 0 0 0 a 0 1 0 b 1 0 2 a 0 2 0
LCS(S1, S2)
- LCS(S1, S2’)
- LCS(S1’, S2)
- 如果C1不等于C2:LCS(S1’, S2’)
- 如果C1等于C2:LCS(S1’, S2’)+C1
这个题不是求 lcs 长度, 而是把这个子序列打印出来, 故需要在状态转移 matrix 里记录构造路径, 当找到目标子序列后还原出来
更简单的办法, 直接在 matrix 里记录全路径
def lcs(x, y):
lenx = len(x)
leny = len(y)
if lenx * leny == 0:
return ""
data = [[None for _ in range(leny+1)] for _ in range(lenx+1)]
for i in range(lenx+1):
for j in range(leny+1):
if i == 0 or j == 0:
data[i][j] = 0, ''
left, seq_left = data[i][j-1]
top, seq_top = data[i-1][j]
top_left, seq_top_left = data[i-1][j-1]
if x[i-1] == y[j-1]:
current = max(left, top, top_left+1)
data[i][j] = current, seq_top_left + x[i-1]
data[i][j] = max((left, seq_left), (top, seq_top), (top_left, seq_top_left))
max_lcs = max(max(line) for line in data)
return max_lcs[1]
from nose import tools as test
test.assert_equals(lcs("a", "b"), "")
test.assert_equals(lcs("abcdef", "abc"), "abc")
test.assert_equals(lcs("abcdefghijhklxyzuu", "xyzuuabcdefghijhkl"), "abcdefghijhkl")